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 From September 28 to September 30, 2022, the XV Russian National Ophthalmological Forum was held in Moscow. This event was held in the form of a scientific and practical conference with international participation.

More than 150 talks in different thematic sections were presented at this event: newest trends in the diagnosis and treatment of socially significant eye diseases; advances of reconstructive surgery; topical issues of diagnosis and treatment of retinal pathologies; fundamental and applied research in ophthalmology; trends and advances in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma in Russia; latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory eye diseases. Special attention was paid to the issues of new experimental technologies in retinology, in particular, transplantation of retinal tissue cells; problems of import substitution in the medical treatment of glaucoma; pharmacotherapy of wet age-related macular degeneration; innovative technologies in surgical treatment of corneal pathologies, features of functional and applied diagnostics in ophthalmopathology.

Speakers from Ufa Eye Research Institute were also among the participants of the Congress. The report of Prof. Mukharram Bikbov, director of the institute, was dedicated to “Evolution of keratoplasty in keratoconus: from through to modified anterior layered keratoplasty” (authors M.M. Bikbov, E.L. Usubov). Timur Gilmanshin presented reports “Optimization of medical care for socially significant vision pathology" (authors G. Israfilova, M. Bikbov, T. Gilmanshin, E. Yakupova) M.) and “Improving the technology of surgical treatment of large-diameter macular ruptures” (authors A. Zinnatullin, R. Zainullin). Kseniya Kudoyarova talked about “Features of intravitreal pharmacotherapy of diabetic macular edema” (authors M. Bikbov, R. Zainullin, M. Kalanov, K. Kudoyarova).


During this forum, an exhibition of ophthalmic equipment and tools, medicines and medical products from leading Russian and foreign companies was held.

Doctors from Ufa Eye Research took part in the work of specialized commissions. During the expert commission on the profile “New possibilities of a differentiated approach to the treatment of diabetic macular edema. Biomarkers of inflammation” they discussed approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with DME and the integration of biomarker analysis into clinical

practice. At the meeting of the profile commission on ophthalmology and pediatric

ophthalmology participants discussed issues of import substitution in drug therapy of glaucoma, problems of visual disability in different regions of the Russian Federation, professional training of ophthalmologists.

Participation in such large-scale events is extremely important for both young and experienced ophthalmologists.