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Throughout its history, Ufa Eye Research Institute has done loads of research, with its specialists being active participants in conferences around the world.

In 2024 the Annual Conference of Indian Society of Cornea and Keratorefractive Surgeons (ISCKRS) was held at Le Meridien, New Dehli. The Conference brought together practitioners and researchers from India and abroad who are engaged in academic work in Cornea and Refractive Surgery. This three-day event involved live surgery demonstrations, wet labs, sessions on cornea problems, refractive surgical issues and video assisted sessions.

Dr. Emin Usubov, head of the Cornea and Lens Surgery Department at Ufa Eye Research Institute, presented the results of many years of work devoted to investigating the fundamentals of keratoconus treatment with CXL. Ufa Eye Research Institute was the first to introduce the CXL method in Russia and stays at the cutting edge of keratoconus treatment techniques and procedures. 

Dr. Emin Usubov received the "Outstanding Contributions in Ophthalmology" award from Indian Society of Cornea and Keratorefractive Surgeons.